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October 30, 2009

They grow so quickly

It's been a little over two weeks now that Ryan has been a part of our family, and he's already getting so much bigger. This pic is from his first week, I am working on getting more pics, it's amazing how my time has been monopolized with feedings, changings, and the other kids. I look forward to my mornings alone with Ryan, snuggling and just getting to know him. He already seems to be more serious than Teddy and Brendan. He has a dimple like Cecelia when he smiles (in his sleep). He's such an easy little guy. The only time he cries is when I have waited too long to feed him, which luckily doesn't happen too often. He sleeps, wakes up, wants some food, stares and moves his arms a bit, then crashes again. I was worried that 4 would be hard to manage, but so far, if I time everything correctly it's not been too bad. We have been VERY blessed by our friends who have provided wonderful meals for the family. It definitely makes Gary and I feel loved. I feel like I am going to blink and he's going to be crawling! I keep looking at my calendar and Christmas will be here, then the New Year, then it seems like Summer will be here again!
Brendan and Cecelia are doing well. Cecelia GLOWS when she holds Ryan. She LOVES feeding him, snuggling, and talking to him. I figure this will continue until he starts taking his toys. Although, I am trying to encourage this relationship to alleviate some of the pressure from Brendan...who is just the best big brother to the three of them. We've had some awkward moments of realization with Brendan, which just comes with age (I like to call them Adam and Eve moments). I got the whole "so how and where does the baby come out?". He's also blown away at the whole "nursing" thing. He said he is "shocked" that the human body makes milk. Needless to say I try to confine myself to the bedroom to pump, but issues in the family come up and they end up making their way to the bedroom eventually. Ah well. Teddy is more infatuated with the noise the pump makes, imitating it EXACTLY!
Gary is an amazing husband. He's kind of taken on the other three when I am hibernating in the bedroom. He's great about trying to allow for a few extra minutes of uninterrupted sleep here and there. I keep counting my blessings at how lucky I am to have a husband who absolutely LOVES spending time with his kids and looks forward to it every day. (Not that we don't have our...."Wouldn't it be great to drop the kids off at our parents house for the weekend and have a weekend alone" moments.)
Tomorrow is Halloween and I promise to get lots of pics of the kids in their costumes. Brendan is going as some Star Wars character. He is excited that he and his buddy Steele are going as the same thing. Cecelia has ironically chosen to be the Devil for the night. She has a tail, horns and a bow tie. I have promised her some red lipstick to boot and she is VERY excited about that. Teddy is going to be "fireman woo-woo". I am making a firetruck FROM SCRATCH out of a box, having him wear that, and he can wear a fire hat and some boots to be the fireman inside the truck. I am hoping the truck part isn't too homemade! So far so good. I don't have anything for Ryan, and since it is going to be about 80 degrees tomorrow, I think the mosquito netting over his stroller will be enough of a costume!
SO! Other than that, nothing really exciting. I will post the pics of halloween as soon as possible. It should be a great night with friends and CANDY! Yum. I already have my heart set on stealing some of the kids candy when they go to bed that night! I figure I am just doing my parental duty of saving their teeth! (especially since we have so many issues with cavaties as it is!)
Lots of love!
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