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December 13, 2009

Posting soon..

I apologize for not posting anything lately. I thought with all my extra time (ha!) I would be able to put some new pics up and update everyone on our lives. Well, the updates are a-plenty! Life has been less than boring. But because of all the "events" I have not had much time to take pictures. I have been so bad that when my parents were in town, I realized when they LEFT I hadn't taken any pictures. I am very upset about that one, but will have to let it go because it is what it is. Hopefully this week we will be getting some pictures downloaded and taken of the kids. I'd swear Ryan has doubled in size. He is growing much like Cecelia did, skipping the 0-3 month clothing and going to the 3-6 month right off the start. He looks like Brendan, smiles like Brendan, has dimples like Cecelia and appears to be easy going like Teddy. Although his sleeping habits are from MARS! I promise to get new pics up by the end of this week.
Christmas is about to kick into full swing, and we might actually get it done...I knew four kids would be a full life, but I didn't realize how much I would love it. My family REALLY does feel complete. Ryan is the exclamation point to my life. Yay.


Paul, Lauren, Witt, and Nash said...

Hi Julie,
I love the way you put that, the exclamation point to your life. I know things have to be crazy and wonderful all wrapped into one. I too seem to have boys whose sleeping patterns are from Mars. What is UP with that!?!:)


The Gallup Family said...

Well said...so sweet. You have a beautiful family. I like the Christmas background!