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December 22, 2009

Winter Playland..





So up north everyone has had a wonderful snowfall. We had rain. I wondered what our three inches of rain would equal if it was snow, and I saw that it came to about 24 inches in Philly. Well, we may not have that, but at least we have three miles of perfect beach to occupy our kids. They had a great time here playing and enjoying a nice cool day at the beach. Ryan and I stayed home and napped (a MUCH needed nap to say the least). I often wonder if we should move back north, be with family, give the kids the REAL winters. But then I see these pictures and think, Nah, we're ok, minus the whole family thing.

I am JUST starting to get my act together for Christmas. I don't know that we will be doing Christmas cards this year. I JUST got the kids their Christmas PJ's, so now we are ready for our Christmas picture...assuming I have it together enough to get them together in front of the tree to do it. HA! We'll see.

Aside from a few SERIOUSLY last minute things I am all done with Christmas shopping. I have two more online items to purchase then D-O-N-E! I will be blogging the Christmas jammer pictures as soon as I get them taken. And I of course will be posting the Christmas day pictures as soon as I can download them. It should be a couple of very busy days around here with Christmas eve so close. Brendan goes to the Oral dentist tomorrow to get a tooth taken out. (merry christmas to him!) That will be my day tomorrow, taking care of him. Hopefully we will avoid the "illness" tradition in our home. Although even as I type that I can hear Teddy hacking in the next room. He's had this cough for a few days, so hopefully it is on the mend. Cecelia is hoping to LOSE her two front teeth for Christmas, keeping our fingers crossed. Ryan, well, he just continues to grow and grow. I think he will be our biggest kid yet.

Ok. More to come on Christmas....the "peace of the season" is currently being interrupted by screams of my children....
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