All year Cecelia has been taking Hip Hop Dance lessons. I was excited that she had found something that she loved to do that involved a little aerobic work! (After her first soccer practice in the fall she asked if she could quit, she didn't like to sweat! UGH!)
To say that she loved this class is a bit of an understatement! She looked forward to every Wednesday, would finish her homework in seconds flat, have her dance clothes ready and on before I had to ask and was waiting at the door to go each class. They had a performance to show off all that they had learned. It was a LONG show (which is GREAT news for the dance studio owner: so many kids!) but the highlight (obviously!) was the hip hop routine. I will say, and this is not because I am a bragging mom, that their routine elicited the biggest response from the crowd! (other than the smallest kids who did their adorable ballet routine! You can't not be moved by itty-bitty's dancing!) The crowd loved the moves, and they actually did a really great job!
Cecelia is in the middle with the pink tu-tu! We have it on tape, this may just be her future wedding rehersal video...
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