Ugh. So, Cecelia has started mentioning that she wants to break into modeling and acting. This is something that has sent a cold chill down my spine. On one hand I think, YES! College fund! On the other hand I think, CRAP! Creepy and scummy people littered industry!!!
I have gone down this road with Brendan and Cecelia one other time and was taken for a schmuck and a couple hundred bucks. Sucker and uneducated. Well, this time I am not going to let that happen. FIRST! Before I even think about it, I wanted her to have a taste of what a day would like look like. A friend of ours has the CUTEST women and little girl's boutique, The Joggling Board ( )
So, I thought, Well, maybe she'll let Cecelia try on the clothes, I WILL take the pictures, and then I can post them on their store's facebook page for her customers. We can do it for free, Cecelia doesn't have to worry about the pressure of performing for anyone, but she can see what it's like to do this. AND I thought, if she hated it, the pictures turn out AWFUL, no harm, no foul. It's not like she was getting paid, right? And secretly I kind of hoped she would think it was boring and hate it.
Nope. She loved it and keeps asking when we can do it again.
So. Now I sit here, and wonder, do I really want this for my daughter. Again, part of me, the "I'm a poor minister's wife who works in a soup kitchen and has pennies for a savings account" says GO FOR IT! She could quite possibly put some good money away for her college years. (and maybe some for her brother's as well!!) But the other side, the reality side, says NO WAY.
This is a just for fun, for now thing. She did get to pick out a small stuffed animal for her time, which was worth more to her than the college fund! And I got some REALLY cute pictures of her in some AMAZING clothes. We'll see. We are exploring. I know better this time where to go, what to ask, and what to do. Who knows, right? If it works, it works, if it doesn't, no biggie! She has her brains to fall back on!
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