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November 01, 2010

Hermoine, Harry and the Race car




Halloween was much anticipated this year. Brendan has discovered the wonderful world of Harry Potter and has been begging to go as Harry since September. Literally, last minute, I purchased these robes. They got here and they have been wearing them every day. Cecelia made a very good Hermoine, and even got into character when dropping her off at school last Thursday, using her best English accent!
Teddy WAS going to make the threesome complete and be Ron, but decided AFTER the robes arrived that he wanted to be a racecar. As much fun as I had making this costume, I didn't really think it out all that well. Needless to say, he had a hard time navigating this monstrousity through the narrow walkways, pinning children to walls, knocking over bushes, and wreaking havoc where ever he went. Not to mention the fact that the thing weighed about ten pounds. But he was a huge success and loved it. Next year, I'll only use two boxes at most, not 4 like I did this year!
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The Gallup Family said...

Love the costumes. You did a great job!

Liz Griffith said...

Are you worried at how well your eldest pull off those robes? Just a few more years and they could go goth.... Teddy, on the other hand, may be more tempted to ride around in a convertible breaking hearts. Anyway, I like your blog and I like you.... Happy post-halloween!!
Love, Liz and Dr. Russell